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Member News – 28 June 2024

General Manager


We are only weeks away from the AGM, thank you to those who have put their apologies in already. If you would like to put your apologies forward, please let the office team know.

You all have until Monday 5:00pm 1 July to put forward any motions or questions for the board to answer on the night.

Food Cart

Some of you may have seen and taken advantage of the food cart on the course a couple of weeks ago. This will be available every Saturday moving forward. This service will be available if there is demand from members. The cart will be on course from between 11:00am - 1:00pm for the foreseeable future and times may change due to increased demand.

Both cash and eftpos will be available and will have limited hot and cold food whilst the catering team understand the demand of the types of food members would like to have on board. Please be patient with the team while they get familiar with the rules of the course.

Club Captain Update – Phil Barlow

It was great to be greeted with a sunny, fine, though breezy and cool day for club golf last Saturday. Everyone will be noticing that the ball flies a bit shorter at this time of year and so having to make adjustments as you work your way around the course. It was also great to see every single card that was taken out for the day, handed back in after play. This is the first time for a very long time and pleasing to see, thanks you all.

It was very pleasing to see most divots filled as I was working my around the course last weekend – keep it up! This week’s course consideration is for those in carts. Please do not drive carts within 10 metres of the green. That is a stipulation of using a cart and is particularly relevant in winter as the green surrounds become softer. By driving close to the greens, tire tracks are being left behind for the players following you.

The AGM will take place this year on Thursday 18 July at 7PM at the club. Come along to hear how the club has gone over the last 12 months. There are 2 Board places to be fulfilled as well as the Club Captain role. If you believe you can help add value to the club and are willing to help out in one of these positions, please contact Richard at the office.

A reminder we are still taking names of those interested in playing men’s interclub for the club. If you are on a single figure handicap, and want to have a go, we invite you to add your details to the list in the Pro Shop. There will be trials coming up in the next few weeks. If you want to find out more about the competitions, send me a txt (Phil Barlow 021 488 993) or ask the Pro Shop for info.

This weekend’s club competitions are: Men: Stableford – Bell Mugs. Women: Combined Stableford.

Have an enjoyable long Matariki celebration weekend.

Results for last Saturday


FMS Rnd 5 Stableford



Victoria Webb-Smart



Catherine Butts



Marguerite Leitch




FMS Overall Results (Best 3 of 5)



Jo McNicholl



Marguerite Leitch



Anne Ott




Div 1 Par (+4 – 14.0)



Guy Chambers



James Hunt



Stephen Harrison



Div 2 Par (14.1 – 36.0)



Wayne Coleman



William Lin



Alan Dickson


There were 5 2’s on Saturday paying $34 each. Nett Eagles was hole 5 and not struck, so will jackpot to this coming weekend.

Pro Tip by Craig Mitchell

Recently I haven’t been making many Putts between 6 – 12 feet. I had a friend of mine take a look and here’s what he said to me.

I was standing over the Putt to long and just didn’t look confident – so he said once I was set pull the trigger straight away, this immediately freed me up and stopped me thinking about all the rubbish that comes into your mind.

So having said all that if you’re struggling like I was give it a try!

Upcoming golf (for full details refer to the 2024 programme – copies available at the Pro Shop).

Sat 29 June – Men: Stableford – Bell Mugs. Women: Combined Stableford.

Sat 6 July – Men: Monthly Medal (Yellow tees). Women: LGU Rnd 6, Putting, Paterson Salver Rnd 2.

Sat 13 July – Men: BCHP semi-final, others 4BBB Stableford. Women: Canadian Foursomes.

Sat 20 July – Men: BCHP final, others Par. Women: Irish Stableford.

Sat 27 July – Men: Monthly Medal (White tees). Women: Hidden Holes Stableford.

Enjoy your golf.

Mid-Week Women’s Results – Sonia Brown

Tuesday 25 June


1st     Kay Gilray           33 stb

2nd   Deb Morrison     32 stb


# 6    Sarah Scadden

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Harewood Golf Club
(03) 359 8843

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